The Rolfing® Center

“Quality You Can Feel”

WELCOME to the website for The Rolfing® Center located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado! It is our goal to give you the best quality Rolfing therapy possible in a friendly and comfortable environment. We understand that there are many misconceptions about the Rolfing process, and thought it would be beneficial to provide a website to answer questions or concerns that may arise.

We hope to give you facts that will allow you to make an informed decision about choosing to work with us throughout your healing process. As with any manual therapy (massage, chiropractic, etc.) your experience and response to the work may be quite different than that of a friend or family member. As well our way of working may be very different from other practitioners and the only way to truly understand the process is to give it a try!

Please call us to schedule a session or a consultation 970-870-2888

Stay tuned for the next Free Rolfing Demonstration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Rolfing®,Rolf Movement®, the Little Boy Logo and RolferTM are service marks of The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration®, Boulder, CO.